Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Gloss: New Fall Shades

Anyone who knows me well, knows there is one thing in the makeup world I will not do without . . . Lip stuff. When I say "lip stuff" I personally mean lip balms, lip moisturizers, Carmex, and a plethora of lip glosses. I mean, I'm the girl who sleeps with lip gloss on.

This year, I have tried as much as possible to rock various lipsticks. With my caramel brown skin tone, I can wear A LOT of them, but I'm just not a huge fan of how they feel and wear. The only lipstick I would consider having a collection of is Dior Addict Lipstick. Partially because the wear is much like a lip gloss, and because the packaging is perfect (though we can discuss those and all their glory at another time). We all have our personal preferences and mine is lip gloss. 

I have recently been introduced to Anastasia Beverly Hills lip glosses, and let me say . . . An absolute win. They are hands-down the most pigmented glosses I have ever used, they smell pretty good, and almost act as a stain. They aren't super sticky (which I don't care about, but I know many do) and there is a huge option of shades. My most recent love is the newest shade collection for fall.

For those of you who are true to a nude lip year round, Kristen or Butterscotch is perfect (depending on your complexion). If you like to rock a deeper, Vampy look for the fall season, you must try Potion. All of the shades are beautiful! If I had to pick only four (notice I said only four because only one or two is impossible), I would choose; Fudge, Tara, Warm Bronze and Potion. 

The lip glosses are available at Macy's and online at

What is your favorite lip color for fall? And what is your favorite lip product?! Be sure to comment below!

Stay beautiful! . . . Inside and out.

Corianne Elizabeth is on YouTube!

Can you believe it?! It has finally happened! My YouTube channel has officially launched! I am so excited about this and have so much to share with you. I have a list full of ideas, giveaways, tutorials and more! 

My first video is a behind-the-scenes look at a recent styled shoot. You get to take a look at what I pack in my kit, the venue and me at work! Stephanie Andersen of Carolyn A Events contacted me about being a part of this shoot, and of course I said yes. Below is a shot of some of the action, at Big Canoe.

The model, Savannah Goldsmith (who was an absolute pleasure to work with), and photographer, Grace Dinwiddie, of Gracie Blue Photography are hard at work in the picture above . . . So be sure to head over to the YouTube link and see more for yourself!

I definitely have some ideas already, but this channel is just as much about me, as it is about you. So . . . comment below on some things you would like to see! And be sure to subscribe to my blog and my channel to be updated on all the good stuff! I look forward to sharing with you more about this shoot, so stay tuned :-)

Stay Beautiful! . . . Inside and out.

Favorite Beauty Product: AUGUST

Hey there! Thought I had disappeared didn't you? LOL! No way! Just enjoying the summer wedding season madness! Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook to see my latest beauty post and gorgeous brides and clients!

So before August 2015 comes to a close, I wanted to share with you my favorite beauty product of the month. BUT . . .  This time I am sharing 2 of them! Mainly because I consider both necessities and feel the need to have them available at all times.

Both products are from Dermalogica, which is 1 of the skincare brands I recommend to my clients. They are the number 1 choice of skin care professionals in the world and they focus on beautiful, healthy skin; not pretty packaging.

Dermalogica's Ultracalming Mist is a must-have for anyone with sensitive skin. Regardless of whether your skin is dry, normal, oily or combination; if it's sensitive you NEED this.

This is one of the first products I tried from Dermalogica and I placed an order specifically for this. At the time I was dealing with eczema patches on my eyelids, plus constantly reacting to anything and everything when I stepped outside. This was a lifesaver for me and my face. Sometimes my skin reacts to something and I have no clue what it is, and end up with itchy little bumps on my face. Anytime my skin is reacting or I'm having issues with my eczema, I will spray this all over and within a minute I feel relief. And with it being summer time here in the south . . . The coolness of this mist is perfection!

My other recommendation for August is their Antioxidant Hydramist. This was something I just decided to try it and see what happens. I'm not 20 years old anymore and figured adding antioxidants to my skincare routine could only help. It's a great refresher to use in the morning after washing your face, or midday to give your skin a quick boost.

One thing I did specifically notice when using this consistently, is my skin did not look dull. It had a constant glow that looked amazing!

And just a tip for you . . . Placing these 2 in the refrigerator only adds to the amazingness!

What have you enjoyed this month in your beauty routine? It could be a hair or makeup product, skincare or anything else beauty related. Comment below.

Stay Beautiful! . . . Inside and out.